Të shtunën, ora 17:00 Trepça vs AS Prishtina

12.12.2020 SUPERLIGA
12.12.2020 SUPERLIGA
13.12.2020 SUPERLIGA


1 March 2018

On Wednesday in the gym "13 Qershori" in Suhareka has started the Final 8 of the Kosovo Cup in basketball.


The program included two quarterfinals, Rahoveci - Kerasan Prishtina and Golden Eagle Ylli-Borea.


In the first game Rahoveci won but with a lot of difficulties against Kerasan Prishtina 81:74, while in the second duel the home team Goled Eagle Ylli won against the guest team from Peja, Kb Borea with the result 106: 96.


Both games have been overwhelmed with great rivalry and only the last few minutes were when the winners of the matches have been determined.


Despite the announcements of the organizing team, Golden Eagle Ylli that they will take measures that the gym will be warm for the Final 8 of Kosovos Cup, this did not happen because of the major problems encountered by the organizers first with the power cuts and then with problems with heating in the gym.


In the first game, basketball players played at significantly lower temperatures than those set out in the Guide for the organization of the Final 8 of Kosovo Cup and in the contract signed between KBF and KB Golden Eagle Star after fulfilling the conditions of this the latest for organizing this event.


After the end of the first quarterfinals, the Basketball Federation of Kosovo (FBK) has made it very clear to the organizers of the Kosovo Cup Final 8 that things that happened on Wednesday will not be tolerated and that the conditions should be created under the contract and guidelines. On the other hand, officials of the Golden Eagle Ylli have apologized for the problems that have been created with electricity and heat in the gym and are pledged that everything will be fixed for Thursday.


Between the first and second match was the solemn opening of this event, in which the speech was taken by Elvira Dushku, General Secretary of KBF, and Bali Muharremaj, Mayor of Suhareka Municipality, while the latter officially opened the Final 8 of the Kosovo Cup.


Elvira Dushku, Secretary General of BFK:


"First on behalf of the KBF I would like to apologize to the participating teams and fans about the problems created in the gym, with disruption of electricity and heat. I urge the organizers to take action as soon as possible to avoid these problems and that everything goes well. For the end I wish you success in all teams and I hope you enjoy quality basketball. "


Bali Muharremaj, Mayor of Suhareka Municipality:


"Suhareka has in the past proved to be a good host and I believe that this time we will prove this. I am happy that the Federation has entrusted our city with organizing this tournament and I hope we will justify this belief. On this occasion I wish you all teams success, and officially opened the Final 8 of the Kosovo Cup. "


Also started Wednesday has started the Clinic for Potential Referee Candidates (Nacional) for FIBA ​​call. The clinic is led by the Director of the Department for Referees at FIBA ​​Europe, Davorin Nakić (Croatia), while lecturers are FIBA ​​instructors, Gjorgji Piperkov (Macedonia) and Faton Kurshumlija (Kosovo). Participating are 9 potential judges, 4 from Kosovo and 5 from countries like Greece, Montenegro and Macedonia.


It should be noted that the judges of this Clinic are exactly those who will share justice in the Kosovo Cup Final 8 matches, excluding Sunday's finals in both competitions, which will be officiated by local judges.